A la recherche d’activités Montessori pour occuper vos enfants pendant les vacances scolaires ? Vous trouverez par ici des comptes instagram inspirants.

Coincés à la maison ? Il va vous en falloir des idées pour occuper votre enfant. Peut être enfin l’occasion de tester des activités inspirées de la célèbre pédagogie Montessori.

Des activités Montessori pour occuper les enfants

La méthodologie Montessori est une pédagogie qui permet à l’enfant de grandir en développant son autonomie. Elle accorde une grande importance à la manipulation, découvertes sensorielles et liberté de l’enfant. Des jeux de créativité qui favorisent l’apprentissage par l’expérimentation et stimule la confiance en soi.


Lire aussi : “Confinement : comment transformer vos enfants en alliés ménagers ?”


Le DIY : l’allié numéro des activités créatives pour les enfants

Le gros avantage des activités créatives inspirées de la pédagogie Montessori : elles nécessitent très peu de matériel. Il est facile de fabriquer des jeux créatifs avec du matériel que l’on a déjà chez soi. La récup est à l’honneur pour réaliser ces activités. Rouleaux de papier toilette ou d’essuie tout, bocaux en verre, emballages alimentaires, feuilles de papier, cadenas, carton, caisses en plastique, aliments ( pâtes, lentilles ) , bâtonnets en bois, bouteilles en plastique… ne jetez rien. Tout se réutilise ! Une façon utile de limiter le gaspillage.


Lire aussi : “Parentalité : 4 conseils pour mettre des limites (et s’y tenir !)”


Autant de merveilles qui vont nous servir à fabriquer des jeux d’éveil pour apprendre à son enfant à compter, lire l’heure, transvaser, reconnaître les couleurs…

Pour vous aider à trouver des activités créatives Montessori faciles à mettre en place chez vous : une sélection de comptes instagram riches en idées. Retrouvez également sur le compte You Tube de l’émission La maison des maternelles, des tutoriels animés par Marie Perarnau.



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🔴🟡🔵COLOR MIXING BAGS🌈 If you’re new around here (welcome 🤗), you should know this about me ➡️ Hi, my name is Myriam and I have a sensory bag addiction🙋🏻‍♀️🙈. But I think you all get it 😉. How freaking cool is this? In Nicky’s words, WHOA! 🤩 These are a bit different from what I’ve shared in the past as these you need to do as a set. It is an amazing visual that lets you explain how two colors make another 🌈 and be able to separate them once “mixed”. For younger ones, the water + glitter make it really fun to splash around 😍. They make amazing toys for baby tummy time 👶🏻. • 👉🏼YOU’LL NEED: -3 gallon size, freezer grade, plastic bags. You can also use reusable bags. -2 cups of water per bag -Red, yellow and blue food coloring -Glitter (I have some biodegradable options through the link in my bio) -Strong tape 👉🏼INSTRUCTIONS: 1️⃣Add two cups of water to each bag 2️⃣Add a few drops of food coloring to the bag. One color per bag. 3️⃣Seal the bag leaving little to no air inside. I stick the bag in a bowl of water and leave the seam out. That creates an easy vacuum seal. 4️⃣Tape the bag shut using really strong tape. 5️⃣Layer one color on top of the other to make new colors. #mothercould #howto 💡Since this bag is water based, you could empty out the bag, wash it and leave to dry. It’s a great way to reuse it 💚 . . . #montessori #preschool #sensoryplay #kidsactivities #homeschoolingideas #earlylearning #learningthroughplay #invitationtoplay #preschooler #iteachtoo #toddlerplay #sahm #homeschoolpreschool #homeschool #infancia #everydayplayhacks #playathome #montessoriathome #letthekids #letthemplay #babyplay #childhoodunplugged #kidsplay #toddleractivities #kindergarten #playbasedlearning #busytoddler #diy

Une publication partagée par Myriam Sandler | MOTHERCOULD (@mothercould) le




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🥚 EGGSHELL SEEDLINGS // As Easter approaches, here is a fun way to play with eggs and nature 🌱 without wasting the edible stuff inside! 👌 To save the eggshells, just crack a small hole on top of the egg, cook up the egg whites and yolks 🍳(or save for later!). Be sure to give the shells a little rinse and scrub 🧼 in the sink before having your kiddos handle them. 🖐 My boys enjoyed adding soil, seeds (basil, spinach, and kale), and finally water. 💦 Two days later – sprouts! 🌱 The egg shells make great seedling starters — not only is it the perfect size but there are lots of benefits of growing in a calcium-rich shell! 😍 Swipe 👉 to see more of the gardening fun, and if you have any questions at all, drop 👇 them in the comment section below or DM me! – #outdoorplay #childledlearning #creativekids #toddlerplay #playideas #invitationtoplay #playathome #preschooler #funforkids #creativechaos #playideas #playathome #playdiscovercreate #sensoryplayideas #sensoryplay #sensorylearning #sensoryplayideas #finemotor #exploringnaturewithchildren #gardenwithkids #handsonlearning

Une publication partagée par 7 Days of Play (@7daysofplay) le



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Balloon bat🎈🏏 . This was so fun-and worth the climbing up to stick the balloons onto the ceiling! Mr 15mo and Miss 2 loved batting at the balloons with the paper rolls over and over. They then ran and twirled through them, stretched and grabbed them and eventually pulled them off 😆 Definitely one to try if you’re stuck at home and need the kids to burn off a bit of energy😁 Thanks to @for.the.love.of.playtime and @learnwithluca for the inspo! This activity helps develop hand eye coordination and gross motor skills 👌 Swipe to watch the fun😁 . . #playideas #grossmotor #busytoddler #movementmarch  #simpleplay #handsonlearning #15monthsold #babyplayideas #babyplay #playbasedlearning #littlelearners #playtolearn #playathome #playislearning #mumlife #invitationtoplay #earlylearning #earlyyears #igbabies #igbaby #momlife #instamum #shareyourplaywithme #everydayplay #everydayplayhacks

Une publication partagée par Adeline • all ages play (@adelines_hearts_and_crafts) le



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🟢 Number find and match 🟡 . . . Using some dyed chickpeas I had on hand + out number tiles from our Melissa and Dough counting toy, we created this fun find and match game! A great way to combine sensory play + learning! I love set ups like this because even after all the numbers were found and matched, the play continues. I added in scoopers and jars later so she could continue to play with the chick peas! . . . #learningforlittles #learningthroughplay #playbasedlearning #howweplayandlearn #playtray #trayfortheday #whatsinyourflisat #sensoryplay #oursensorykids #learningathome #earlylearning101 #easyplayideas #playideas #toddlerlife

Une publication partagée par Kendra | Learning For Littles (@learning.for.littles) le



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HOW TO THRIVE IN LOCK-DOWN: TIPS, TRICKS & ACTIVITY IDEAS . This is not going to be an easy time over this next little while, but I hope that we can look back and feel like we’ve done more than just survive it! . Over on my blog tonight I’m sharing some tips and guidance to help make this a time to THRIVE- for us and our kids 💕 . I’ve also packed it full of playful activity ideas-ones specifically suitable for sibling groups and activities that can be adapted for a range of ages. That’s what I’ll be focussing on in this next while because along with many of you that will be my reality! . I’ve never been more thankful for this community! Together we can do this 💪 . Please do tag any mamas who you think might find this useful. 😘 . Link to blog post in stories & bio as usual. . And you can find the instructions for this brilliant rain cloud experiment over on the blog post too! . . . . . #learningthroughplay #playideas #playathome #letthemplay #stayathome #learnthroughplay #playmatters #earlyyears #earlylearning #playislearning #playbasedlearning #homeschool #stemeducation #homeeducationuk #preschoolplay #preschoolactivity #preschoolathome #eyfs #eyfsideas #messyplay #playtolearn #earlylearning101 #handsonlearning #mummyblogger #activitiesforkids #earlychildhoodeducation #inspiremyplay

Une publication partagée par Laura @inspiremyplay (@inspiremyplay) le



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DIY pasta counting sticks 🐘 . . . While making animal pasta for lunch, I had to save a few to make these counting sticks for the boys. They make cute imprints in playdough while helping Mr 2 to recognise numbers and practise one to one correspondence counting in a tactile way. The boys also decided to use our @wilddough.co tubs to make circles for pikelets! 🥞 . With all the home days we’ll be having, @wilddough.co will come in handy. You can get some too with code BLOOM15 – check out all the amazing colours and scents for your sensory play needs! 🐘 . . . #brandrep #wilddoughco #playdough #diy #diymum #playideas #playathome #sensoryplay #preschool #toddlerplay #sensory #everydayplayhacks #homeschooling #homeschoolingideas #craftandplayyourway #playallday #learningthroughplay #earlylearning #earlylearning101 #easychildhoodfun #recycleandplay #tactileplay #handsonlearning #simpleplay #simpleplayideas #kindletogetherness

Une publication partagée par Jess | learn & bloom 🌺 (@learnandbloom) le



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FUN MATH ACTIVITIES for kids {link in bio} Here is our list of EARLY MATH activities for toddlers and preschoolers using everyday household items and toys! Learning math includes everything from learning SHAPES and PATTERNS, PROBLEM SOLVING, COUNTING and more. Such as a our favorite math activity we did way way back and the first time we put pom poms in water POM POM SCOOP💦 (which by the way is amazing 😉) I threw a bunch in a sensory bin; put an inch or two of water in it. Then add a slotted spoon and ten plastic cups numbered 1 to 10. And the clean up is super easy! She found this challenging at first but I helped her through and because scooping Pom Poms was just so darn fun she remained engaged and after she was done she got to play with the pom poms, cups and water! Age: varies depending on activity Mess Level: low to medium Difficulty to Set Up: easy _____________ PLaY🌈CReaTivEly #happytoddlerplaytime

Une publication partagée par Mandisa🌿Happy Toddler Playtime (@happytoddlerplaytime) le




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Scent matching! 🍋 One of my favorite elements of Montessori is that it embraces learning through all your senses. 👃 As D is always helping me in the kitchen, I chose three foods/scents she is familiar with: basil, lemon, and garlic. 🌿 I reused empty spice bottles, filled with the fresh ingredients, and then covered with paper so that she has to smell rather than see what’s inside. She had a lot of fun smelling and matching to the pictures! 🧄 • Variations include: Making two jars of each scent and matching to each other. Using extract or essential oils on cotton balls inside, eg vanilla, peppermint for longer-lasting scent jars. Keeping jars uncovered for young toddlers to smell and explore rather than match. Filling jars with ingredients that make different sounds when shaken, eg rice or beans, for sound matching. The possibilities are endless! ☺️

Une publication partagée par Montessori In Real Life (@montessoriinreallife) le



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HUNT THE RAINBOW 🌹🍂🌻🌿🌸 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Spring has suddenly sprung around our neighbourhood, and not a moment too soon! Since nature walks and yard play are our only outing options during this time of quarantine, I figured that we should resurrect this rainbow nature treasure hunt that we orginally did last year. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I whipped up a rainbow treasure board out of cardboard, markers, rubber bands, and clothes pegs. (The clothes pegs were to secure any heavier, larger items to the board. 😉) Then, we set out on our walk to find as many things in those glorious colours as possible! Btw, I did NOT know that pinecones come in purple, but they do, and we found one to prove it!! 🌈 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This was a ridiculously easy #Recycled activity to set up! And doing the hunt was such a calm, joyful, and positive activity experience for us. Being safe together as a family, frolicking around in Nature, spending time appreciating the beauty, all really helped to put us in a great mood after our long days at home! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @recycleandplay #recycleandplay #MomHacks #SimplePlay #EverydayInvitationToPlay #SensoryPlay #SensoryLearning #PlayIdeas #covid_19 #NaturePlay #ReggioInspired #ReggioEmilia #PlayBasedLearning #PlayMatters #InvitationToPlay #LetThemPlay #EarlyYears #ECE #EYFS #EYFSIdeas #Preschool #PreK #EarlyEducation #EarlyLearning #PerfectPreschoolPlans #PreschoolIdeas #DIYToys #Homeschool #Preschool #Montessori #MontessoriAtHome

Une publication partagée par Early Years Play Advocate 📣 (@perfectpreschoolplans) le




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Vous vous souvenez hier, on a fait une chasse aux couleurs pour fêter l’arrivée du printemps. Et bien aujourd’hui nous avons utilisé notre petite récolte pour faire une petite œuvre printanière☘🌸🌈En même temps on exerce la motricité fine, le geste graphique (les ponts), la concentration, la créativité…😊 Colle @cleopatre_wepam Idée inspirée de @7daysofplay #activiteenfant #occuperlesenfants #activitepourenfant #kidactivities #teammaternelle #teampe #kidart #kidcraft #kidcraftideas #maternelleactivite #artideasforkids #activitematernelle #preschoolart #preschool #preschoolideas #preschoolactivities #coschooling #mumblog #mumbloggers #mamanblogueuse #ecolealamaison #iefmaternelle

Une publication partagée par monpetitsoukdidees (@monpetitsoukdidees) le

Source : marieclaire.fr

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